New Hire Onboarding

Think of the employee boarding process in three phases: preboarding, onboarding, and keepboarding. The more time you spend preboarding, the easier onboarding will be for the employee and HR staff. This is where your company culture should shine, and communications are your chance to make a great first impression.

But onboarding isn’t a “one day and done” effort. HR needs to check in with new hires regularly in the first three months, and then at least once a year after that. That’s how you keep them on board.


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Our Work


Newly hired employees were forgetting to enroll in benefits before the deadline, so HR needed an entirely new onboarding process.



Onboarding a new employee is really the middle of the new hire process. There’s a before and an after that can make it a more engaging experience.


Our Insight

New Hires Don’t Want to Just “Settle” In

Follow new hire, Jordan, through a plan to keep new hires on board.


Onboarding Overload Causes Delays in New Hire Enrollments

If benefits enrollment is basically a side note on day one, let them prepare in advance and make sure it’s an engaging experience.


Onboarding? What About Keepboarding?

We’ve been writing about keepboarding for over a decade! Check out this “vintage” blog from 2012.


Not Your Grandfather’s Employee Handbook

Think bigger than information dissemination. A good handbook can be used for recruiting and onboarding.