Help Employees Save on the Right Level of Care

If your toddler gets a strange rash on the weekend and your regular doctor isn’t available, it may be instinct to hit the emergency room. But that’s likely not the best option — long wait times and a huge bill. Do employees know their options for care, including cost ranges and level of treatment?  

There’s a simple way to educate them, and a downloadable chart that can help.

Explaining and Comparing the Four Basic Options for Care

We’d all probably prefer to see a great doctor consistently for our health (and sick) care. But even if you’re lucky enough to have such a doctor, they’re not always available when you need them. If you’re sick, you can’t wait for days. Luckily for all of us, there are options.

Ready to download the chart before you read more about what’s in it? Download now.

See a Doctor Virtually $
– Least expensive option, usually
– Hardly ever a wait
– For colds/flu, sinus/allergies, rashes, etc.
Go to a Convenience Clinic $
– Usually inexpensive
– Less than an hour wait
– For minor infections, sprains/burns, vaccinations, sore throat, etc.  
Visit an Urgent Care $$
– More expensive than either above option
– Wait time 30 minutes or more
– For sprains/strains, minor broken bones or burns, minor infections  
Head to the Emergency Room $$$
– Often very expensive
– Often hours of waiting
– For chest pain, difficulty breathing, heavy bleeding, head injuries, etc.  

“But I already met my deductible, so insurance will pay.”

Remind employees that they may still have to pay the coinsurance.  Help them understand that 20% of $2,500 is more than 20% of $750.

There’s a bit of a balancing act with this messaging, as you never want to steer someone away from the ER during an actual emergency. Be clear that your medical plan will cover an ER visit. The goal with this downloadable chart is to help make it clear there are options.
