Communications 1/25/2017

The Benefits of Keeping It Simple

“One should use common words to say uncommon things.” — Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher

Here at Write On Target, we’re advocates for the reader — we simplify the complex by using common language, words the reader understands.

We’re passionate about employees’ rights. We write in a way that helps employees understand the total rewards of working for their employer — from benefits and compensation to career development opportunities and retirement planning. We believe copy and design go hand in hand. Messages should be clear and concise. Designs should be eye-catching and easy to scan, allowing the reader to absorb key points quickly.

You can put our philosophy to work for you when you create your own HR communications by telling employees what they want to know:

  1. What is this about?
  2. How does it impact me?
  3. What do I have to do?

Once you answer these questions, be sure to organize your content using our pyramid approach — start with “need to know,” move on to “nice to know” and finish with “benefit geek” (required legal language).

Pyramid (RGB)

By following this approach, your employees will receive the information they need in a format they will read.
