Health and Wellness 12/22/2016

Holiday Stress Running You Ragged? Here’s How to Deal

The holiday season should be a fun and joyous time, but for many of us it can also be very stressful. Shopping for gifts, attending social events, cooking large dinners and entertaining guests can become way too much to handle. The American Psychological Association says that 8 out of 10 people experience increased stress over the holidays. However, there are steps you can take to ensure your holidays are full of cheer.

  1. Plan ahead and don’t overcommit. Finding time for all of your holiday activities can be difficult. There’s so much to do. Plus, you also have to deal with increased traffic, especially around shopping malls, or pressure at work to get everything wrapped up so you can take time off.
  2. Put yourself first. Take time to do things you enjoy. Go to the gym, have a date night, see a movie or just get some fresh air.
  3. Breathe. Practice deep breathing to help clear your mind, reduce stress and reset your mood.
  4. Stay on budget. The pressure to buy gifts for everyone on your list can be overwhelming. Create a budget, stick to it and spend only what you can afford.
  5. Indulge in moderation. It’s okay to indulge in food and drinks that you may only have once a year, but don’t forget the importance of healthy eating as well.
  6. Say “no” every once in a while. Participate in events that bring you joy, and say “no” to obligations that will cause you stress and disappointment.
  7. Listen to music. Create a playlist of your favorite holiday songs that can lighten your mood and lift your spirits.

Happy Holidays!
