Compliance (Handbooks, SPDs and More)

If the average American reads at an eighth-grade level, why do we expect employees to understand regulatory documents written at a college-junior level (most are)? The main reason is risk avoidance. The other reason? Habit.

If you refer a frontline worker to a 50-page handbook or 200-page SPD, you’re probably going to get a phone call. Instead, create simpler compliance documents that deliver on what they’re called, a summary document. It is possible to write in plain language while remaining technically and legally accurate.


How can we help YOU? Let’s talk.

Our Work

Many of the employee handbooks we’ve revamped came to us as the finger-wagging type — lots of rules or “do’s and don’ts.” The tone rarely matched the company’s culture. Does yours? We’ve got some tips in this sample handbook to help you.



Is your Code of Conduct crafted so employees can easily find answers to ethical workplace dilemmas? See how we revamped this one into a useful decision guide.




One solution to more effective documents like SPDs is simple: More summary, less description.



Our Insight


Employee Handbooks: Give Yours an “Unprecedented” Refresh
You’ve been too busy to think about updating your employee handbook, but you probably need entirely new sections related to pandemics, communicable diseases, and equality.


It’s Not Your Grandfather’s Employee Handbook
Think bigger than information dissemination. A good handbook can be used for recruiting and onboarding.


More Thoughts on How to Welcome and Include Everyone
Essential to diversity and inclusion is the opportunity for all employees to understand and embrace the company’s mission, and more importantly, know where they fit in to support and carry out that mission.


Download tips and a checklist for better SPDs

Take Your SPD from Legalese to Read with Ease

Nowadays, SPDs have become larger than the plans they supposedly summarize. After years of experience, we’ve learned the secrets to creating a document that plan participants will actually read and use.


Check This List for a Better SPD

We love to do SPDs, but if you’re unable to outsource to us, be certain you check this list to ensure yours is readable, easy to scan, and speaks to participants clearly and concisely.

It will make all the difference!