When we say employees are “electing” their benefits, we’re speaking HR. What they’re doing, in plain English, is shopping for benefits that make the most sense for them, right?
Do you know the experience you’re delivering to fellow employees? Is your Open Enrollment storefront inviting and friendly? Is it easy to navigate and…well, shop?
You may not be able to deliver the Amazon experience. But, like any good merchant, if you ask a few questions, you can learn how you could make the experience better.
Simple and Quick Does the Trick
We’ve all heard this before: “Would you be willing to take a brief survey after this call?” Usually it’s a resounding “No.” We’re too busy to help improve customer service for a faceless company.
But surveys show employees will take two minutes in their workday to offer their employer an anonymous opinion. It’s only two minutes. And helping you may also help them.
In just 120 seconds, they can give you data that could help improve your next OE.
- What was your favorite way to learn about your benefits? (Multiple-choice question with options like email, postcard, video, etc.)
- How would you rate your Open Enrollment experience on a scale of 1-9? And why?
- On that same scale, how well do you understand your benefits?
- What helped you most with choosing your benefits? (Multiple-choice with a list of the materials and tools you provided, e.g., benefits guide, plan comparison tool, intranet site, etc.)
- What benefit do you wish you understood better, or knew more about? (Multiple-choice with a list of all the benefits you offer.)
“Tell us about your shopping experience.”
Ask your employees how they feel about
choosing benefits.
Get Some Face Time
We live in a digital, data-driven world, and the workplace is no different. If you’re in human resources, though, it should be people-driven. Get out amongst the people, and be the face of company benefits.
- Consider your daily opportunities to chat with employees: In the hall, elevator, lunchroom, courtyard, even the restroom. “Hey, what did you think of Open Enrollment this year? How long did the whole process take? Any frustrations?” Even a casual chat can be a survey.
- Become a traveling survey. Clipboard in hand, and chocolate at the ready, head into other locations or departments. Keep it fun and offer chocolate in trade for two minutes of questions.
- For something a little less one-on-one, choose five employees from different areas of the company and gather for a little coffee talk. Do it virtually if that’s easier for everyone. Tell them you only need a few minutes of their time.
It’s true…through your enrollment system, you can gather a lot of employee data. You can see the benefits employees put in their proverbial shopping carts, and purchase.
What you can’t see is whether employees are satisfied with their choices, and how you can make their experience better.
Ask them.