Pssst: Your Most Valuable Communication Tool Is in the Next Cubicle

Companies spend a lot of money marketing their HR “brand” through a varietyof channels. But did you realize your most valuable communications tool is in the next cubicle?


That’s right. Your employees are the most influential and powerful group to help you recruit great talent, communicate the value of your benefits and get others involved in your wellness programs, to name just a few HR initiatives. Whether in person or through their social media networks, they are more influential than any combination of traditional communications.

An infographic posted by Undercover Recruiter and created by GaggleAmp (a social media amplification service), illustrates just how powerful your employees can be.

Did you know?

  • Just one person who shares your message results in far more click-through activity than if your company were to add 100 followers.
  • The collective reach of your employee’s posts far surpasses the reach of your company. Just 60 employees can increase your company’s reach by 1,000%.
  • Employee posts have farther reach than company posts, due to the amount of filtering on company posts by social platforms.
  • On average, 73.8% of the potential engagement on a social media post happens in the first hour.
  • When your employees are leveraged to share posts, the engagement lifespan is extended by 4,200% thanks to your employees sharing over time.

Arm your employees to be your HR brand ambassadors. Encourage them to share interesting stories about their life at your company. Ask them to post links to positions in your company. Their involvement will humanize your company and build trust with prospective recruits. Create a Facebook page for your wellness program and promote interactive participation among employees and their family members. The support and friendly competition that results will build awareness and increase engagement in your programs.
