Road to Retirement Kit





Number of Employees



Kroger HR wanted to make sure employees were adequately planning for retirement, and to ensure they have a good end-of-work experience. They also needed to get HR and other managers in the field involved, giving them the tools to have the retirement conversation way ahead of an employee’s retirement date.

HR needed to simplify and clarify the retirement materials, making it easier for those employees to understand the entire process — from determining their retirement date and engaging with their manager to completing forms and checklists and learning how health care works for retirees.


To clarify the many facets involved in the retirement process, we recommended Kroger break information into three documents, each with a specific purpose.

  • HR Quick Guide created specifically for HR to use in guiding employees through the retirement process and answer questions along the way.
  • Employee Road to Retirement Guide with detailed explanations of factors to consider as they near retirement, and what happens with their benefits.
  • Retirement Readiness Worksheet to help employees calculate their retirement date and last paycheck date, accounting for vacation, personal days, etc. Includes a checklist of actions and instructions for retirement accounts.
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Sample Materials

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