Benefits Branding


World Leader in Luxury Brands


5,600 Stores, 81 Countries

Number of Employees

30,000 (U.S.)


This international company, with brands such as Sephora, Fendi, and Louis Vuitton, has a diverse and widely dispersed U.S. employee population. The 48-page Open Enrollment Guide was mostly text and charts, and employees found the information confusing and cumbersome.

The U.S. benefits department in New York City had to adhere to corporate branding guidelines from Paris headquarters. But they also wanted to have a clearly branded look and feel for U.S. employee benefits communications.


We worked with corporate HR leaders in Paris to understand branding standards, and created a complementary design for U.S. benefits. We worked through a technology and language barrier, and bridged a gap between HR departments in the U.S. and France.

To help the benefits department maintain branding in their corporate communications, we designed two Microsoft Word templates, an email template, and a PowerPoint template. Anyone in the department can easily create and send effective communications that employees will quickly identify as something regarding their benefits.

For Open Enrollment, we shortened, simplified, and clarified the communications.

  • Postcard — greatly reduced the amount of text and appealed to employees with the LVMH diversity message.
  • Benefits Guide — now an evergreen guide used all year, with concise, easy-to-understand copy and a layout that is much easier on the eyes. Also shortened the guide from 48 pages to 31.
  • Open Enrollment Guide — served as a supplement to the evergreen Benefits Guide, with information on plan changes, new rates, and enrollment instructions.
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Sample Materials

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