Open enrollment season is in full swing, and we know HR professionals are under pressure to make theirs a success.
Stress occurs when the demands placed on you exceed your ability to cope. Too much stress can have serious health consequences, including anxiety, insomnia, muscle pain and high blood pressure.
We have a few tips that may help you get through this season.
Take a break from the stressor. It may seem difficult to get away during open enrollment, but that just may be the best thing for you. Twenty minutes away from the desk lets you take care of yourself.
Exercise. Research continues to show that exercise benefits your mind just as much as your body. Even a brisk 20-minute walk, run, swim or dance session can give an immediate effect that lasts for several hours.
Smile and laugh. When you’re stressed, your face shows it. Smiling and laughing can help relieve some tension and make you feel better.
Get social support. Call a friend, send a text message or write a letter. Express yourself in a healthy way. When you share your concerns or feelings with another person, it helps relieve stress.
Meditate. Meditation and mindfulness help the mind and body relax and focus. You reap immediate benefits. And mindfulness can help you gain a new perspective and develop self-compassion. It helps you release emotions that may cause the body physical stress.