HR Communications and COVID-19

How employers communicated with employees about COVID-19, and the vaccine, had a big impact on how people felt about it. A thought-out communications plan should be the first piece you build in a crisis. And it’s not merely a series of emails and flyers. We helped our clients navigate this unknown terrain, and we attended more webinars and work groups than we can count. This page pulls together some of the communications we created to help during the pandemic.

COVID-19 Vaccine Communications Plan

From initial messaging with senior leaders, then cascading down the line to all employees, this three-phased plan can help you get the right messages to the right people at the right time.


The Great Migration Back to the Office

Many office-based employees are still working from home, and the transition back to work can be tough. This report tells you what to expect and how to be ready.


Guidance from Our Blogs

Reboarding WFH Employees: Your (Second) First Impression Is Key

A simple communications timeline with guidance from two weeks before the return date through two weeks after.


Handbooks: Does Yours Need an “Unprecedented” Refresh?

You’ve been too busy to think about updating your employee handbook, but you probably need entirely new sections related to pandemics and communicable diseases.


Trends: Using Line Managers and Advocates to Boost Your Communications

Research shows people prefer to get company information from managers or peers, so rely on line managers and advocates to communicate about COVID.


Tips: Communicating Remotely

Even if you’re “business on top and pajamas on the bottom,” here are a few reminders to help you say what you mean.

Other Helpful Resources

Legal Implications

Fisher Phillips, LLC, has a comprehensive COVID resource center, and it’s updated frequently.


Employee Pulse Survey

Regularly ask employees how they’re doing, and let them say how you’re doing with communications. This downloadable template makes it easy.