Communications 5/9/2012

Get Out of Your Head and Into My Shoes

In communications there is often a gap between what HR wants to tell and what employees want to hear. Case in point… You may need to communicate that your company’s switching medical plans. In doing so, you feel compelled to explain the business purpose behind it. Whereas employees simply want to know how this impacts them and what they need to do.
How do you shift gears from focusing on what you want to tell? Put yourself in the reader’s shoes. Think from an employee’s point of view — not yours and not the company’s.

It’s not always easy. Sometimes leadership can strongly encourage you to tell the story the way they see it. If you’re in a position where you have to include the company’s point of view, put it in a side bar or move it to the bottom. It can be included but not be the primary focus.

Tip! If you want an employee to do something, think WIIFM — What’s in it for me (the employee)?
