Communications 5/9/2016

Send Big Vocab on a Vacation

Most of us can recall writing papers in college and using our trusty thesaurus to replace simple “one dollar” vocabulary with “ten dollar” words. Somehow, it sounded smarter. And impressive.
But as professional writers and communicators, we know better now. The gang at Write On Target prefers simple language over the complex. And that’s especially true when writing about human resource issues like pay, performance and benefits.

So we think it’s time to send big vocab on a vacation:

  • Scan your copy with a keen eye.
  • Cut industry terminology, acronyms and complex terms.
  • Narrow in on words with multiple syllables and replace with simpler terms.
Advantageous Helpful
Consolidate Combine
Disseminate Send
Facilitate Help
Inception Start
Implement Carry out
Leverage Use
Regarding About
Remuneration Reward
Subsequently After


Remember, your job is to communicate to employees so they understand the message.

Happy writing!
