Communications 5/2/2016

Making the Connection

What is the best way to connect with employees? We’ve been asked this before, and the answer is simple: There isn’t any one best communication vehicle.
All communication vehicles are useful because they reach audiences in different ways. What’s most important is delivering a consistent message, and the more ways you can do that, the better.

It’s important to present information in the way employees (think generations!) have learned to consume it. Here are some tips to get you started:

  • Know your audience, and how each generation likes to receive information.
  • Think short, bite-size bits of information delivered through multiple channels.
  • Speak their language and present information from the employees’ points of view… not the company’s.
  • Answer questions simply and clearly. How does it impact them? What decision(s) do they need to make? What do they need to do?
  • Talk with employees, not to employees. After all, conversations have a more positive impact than traditional lectures or top-down communications.

Happy writing!
